Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blackout Poetry, Africa and skyscrapers, oh my!

 Students use newspapers to create a blackout poem. Blackout poetry is a type of free verse poetry that focuses on rearranging words to create a different meaning. Everyone enjoyed putting their creative spin on each poem. They all did a wonderful job!

 Last week, we spent some time researching famous skyscrapers around the world. After each student completed their research, they depicted their skyscraper on black paper in order to create a skyline in our hallway. Did you know the tallest skyscraper in the world is located in Dubai and is called the Burj Khalifa. It stands 2,484 feet. Wow! Ask your student about the skyscraper they researched. :)

Last Thursday, some of our 5th grade GATE students had the opportunity to participate in a "Google Hangout/Youtube" with a research scientist from Africa. He taught us about the grasslands and savannas located in Kenya, Africa. He also taught us about eco-tourism and how it is important to the livelihood of their country. He shared with us that desertification is currently taking place in Africa and explained to us ways in which they are trying to reverse this process. After our chat, Dr. Sims came in to share about his trip to Africa this past summer. He talked to us about Maasai Warriors and their role in African. He also showed the students some Maasai Warrior weapons. He shared some Swahili (one of the languages spoken in Africa) with us as well. We learned so much about the African culture.