Monday, September 14, 2015

Off to a great start in GATE!

Students started the year out by introducing themselves using rotational symmetry. Although it wasn't the easiest task, they enjoyed seeing the final products. They all did such a great job making them individually unique. 

After learning about our classmates, we learned more about how our brains work and function. This year, we will be learning several cognitive skills to help us become better thinkers. Last week, we learned that we are divergent. Ask your kiddo what that means. :)

On September 15th, students will celebrate International Dot Day. On this day, students will reflect on their individuality and making their mark. Such a great meaning to a fun day. Below you will see a picture of their creatively decorated dots. These dots will be displayed on the central office Christmas tree in December. #makeyourmark

Look who's back! The chickens are now residents of the EES courtyard. The students have enjoyed observing them through the windows as they walk down the hallways. 

A few silkie chicken facts... They have black skin and black bones. They have turquoise ears (SO COOL). They do not have "barbicles" in their feathers, therefore, their feathers look fluffy. They have an extra claw/toe. They are such neat animals. 

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