Wednesday, August 24, 2016

It feels GREAT to be back!

This school year is already off to a great start! We are going to be doing a TON of exciting things this year in GATE! We have a couple of new additions to our classroom this year. Spike, a bearded dragon and over 50 Imperial Moth caterpillars that we will watch transform over the next couple of months into beautiful moths. How neat! 

        Imperial Moth Caterpillar         
Imperial Moth

We will start the year off learning about our cognitive abilities. We will work on becoming better divergent thinkers through creative cognitive exercises and brain gymnastics. We will also learn more about what it means to be gifted. I believe each and every one of my students is unique and I want them to believe that, too! 

Next week, we are gong to begin Mystery Skyping! Mystery Skype gives students the ability to learn more about geography while collaborating and learning about different cultures and places around the world. 

Check back here to find more updates on the happenings in GATE! 

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